Indian’s Can’t Stay Away From Smartphones Even on Vacation, says Study

There’s no fighting the argument that we Indians are a race of proactive beings, always on the move, forever busy with work. There’s also no denying the fact that we live in an age where smartphones and gadgets do more than just the needful and ensure we never lose connectivity with work. Sadly, these two working together doesn’t get us any accolades.
The Egencia/Expedia Mobile Behaviour Mobile Index, a global study of mobile-device-related behaviour and preferences among travellers conducted across multiple countries and continents, found that India (by 80 per cent) leads in checking in with work at least once a day.
“In India, constant connectivity is a priority when mobile devices are carried in hand from work to home and now on vacation too. When we’re more efficient and productive using mobile devices and apps that provide a seamless experience, the quality of our vacation improves and the work-life balance can be prioritized,”- says Egencia India country director, Amit Arora
The sample size for the study consisted of 9,642 adults from 19 countries aged 18 and above owning a mobile device by Northstar, a globally integrated strategic insights consulting firm.
The detailed study found that almost 30% Indians spend over 30 minutes checking e-mails, texts or voice mails daily, while 13% of us (highest in the world) make sure to spend over an hour on such work, and productivity related activities.
To hammer the point further home, Egencia revealed that Indians carry their work around with themselves even on vacations. According to the findings, 74% of Indians find Wi-Fi hotspots while on holiday to stay in touch with work.
The findings also reveal how dependent Indian travellers have become on smart-phones for their multimedia, and work related needs.
“The dependency on smartphone and gadgets have increased over a span of time and it is very well reflected in traveller behaviour. About 56 per cent Indian travellers are addicted to their mobile devices, while 36 per cent Indians carry a rechargeable pack or case or portable charger or spare battery to use as a backup when travelling,” Expedia India Marketing Head Manmeet Ahluwalia said.