Huawei Sues The US Government Over The Ban On Its Devices

Huawei has announced on March 7 that it is suing the government of the United States of America (USA) owing to the ban of its products the country put in place. The company has claimed that it has filed a lawsuit in the US district court in Plano, Texas. A senior executive of the company claims that the company was left with no choice other than to take legal actions against the government. It also called the ban on its devices ‘unlawful’ in a bid to justify its actions.
Huawei’s Lawsuit On The US Government
In a press conference on Thursday, March 7, Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei announced its decision to file the aforementioned lawsuit. It claimed the ban on its devices in the country is ultimately harming US consumers. It said it is looking forward to the court’s verdict and trusts that it will eventually benefit both Huawei and the people of America. The lawsuit arrives after several accusations of the company spying for, and having ties with the Chinese government.
The ban on the company’s products was taken into effect in August 2018. It was earlier set to enter the US market with its smartphone Mate 10 and Mate 10 Pro in 2017. Not only the company’s deal with telecom carrier fell flat, but the President of the country, Donald Trump also signed a provision of the National Defence Authorisation Act; which prevented government agencies using third-party contractors to use Huawei products.
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Huawei alleges that by singling out the company for punishment without a fair trial, the US government has violated the terms of its own constitution. The company also fired back at reports claiming it installs backdoors in its devices to spy on the users. Notably, Huawei is the world’s largest supplier of telecoms equipment, the second largest smartphone maker and is currently one of the global leaders in the development of wireless 5G networks.