Galaxy S4 SmartPause, eye tracking, and new lock screen Leaked in videos

Several videos higlighting the new features of the Galaxy S4 have gone online just before the launch of the proported super phone from the Korean manufacturer. The Samsung Galaxy S4 will be launched in less than an hour at an event being held in New York, USA.
SmartPause eye tracking and floating touch control features have been leaked, SmartPause automatically stops a playing video when you are not looking at it and floating touch control is a no pen implementation of the floating scroll feature from the Galaxy Note 2
The Galaxy S4 will decide for Samsung whether they can innovate a new beginning or just develop on old fortunes. Will the features demonstrated below be good enough to keep the market happy, and make the people want to buy the Galaxy S4.
[youtube id=”tN7o_AhIlTM” width=”100%” height=”300px”]
[youtube id=”jCAtRNiYBmI” width=”100%” height=”300px”]
[youtube id=”tH3XqqCVN5A” width=”100%” height=”300px”]
[youtube id=”m0uHy3SNfXQ” width=”100%” height=”300px”]