‘Final Fantasy 15’ And ‘Kingdom Hearts 3’ Announced For Playstation 4

We’ve already seen plenty from the Playstation 4’s initial unveil in February, but today we got a closer look at games from all developers, including Indie titles, as well as the actual PS4 hardware. Sony shared a quick look at two titles we’re sure many will be extremely exited to play.
Sony dropped a bombshell at their E3 2013 press briefing by announcing that Kingdom Hearts III is currently in development for the PlayStation 4. This came directly on the heels of the company’s announcement that Final Fantasy Versus XIII is also coming to Playstation 4, under its new moniker: Final Fantasy XV.
[youtube id=”Q6jLw1iDCwI” width=”100%” height=”300px”]
In a wild gameplay trailer that saw lead character Noctis work his way through a crumbling building, fighting masked, sword-wielding soldiers and flying monsters, Square confirmed that it would continue the series on PlayStation 4 as Final Fantasy XV. This was actually the first major gameplay trailer released of the game in some three years, and the first ever officially shown to the public. It’s no surprise that after seven years of reportedly tortured development, the game has become a PlayStation 4 title rather than another game for the aging PlayStation 3.
[youtube id=”npjBHFb0fZM” width=”100%” height=”300px”]
More surprising, though, was the announcement of Kingdom Hearts 3. It’s also been seven years since the last major Kingdom Hearts game, with the beautifully strange Kingdom Hearts 2 on PlayStation 2. Sony showed only the briefest trailer of a teenage Sora battling Heartless enemies known from the series and ended with the statement that the game is “now in development.” Meaning it’s far from actually coming out any time soon. Still, after nearly five handheld releases in the series, it’s hugely exciting to see Kingdom Hearts 3.