Instagram Posts Pictures Of Smoothies And Fruit To Their Accounts

An Instagram hack that posts pictures of fruit to users’ timelines has returned after a sabbatical.
The security issue is called the ‘Smoothie Hack”, some clever smooth-ie criminal has decided to post pictures of this drink, but once you click on them this is where the breach happens. The pictures come with some text trying to explain that they are drinking a new diet and that others should try it by clicking on a URL link within their Instagram bio, he wants you to try it with him.
The hack seems to be harmless enough as far as these types of things go. Still, if you have been affected you should change that passcode (assuming you still have access to your account) and also change any other account passcodes that may have been the same as what you had been using on Instagram.
As The Next Web reports, the links being inserted into bios are made to look like BBC links, but the domain being used was actually registered just yesterday (although the registrant details may well be fake) – suggesting that it may have been registered specifically for use in this hack.
In the meantime we offer this as advice — don’t click the links and move forward with a password reset as soon as possible.