The New Xbox One will run 3 Operating Systems including trimmed down windows

While the Microsoft Xbox One has just been announced, the next-generation Xbox will run three operating systems simultaneously. A new revision of the Microsoft Windows 8 /RT designed for tablets, has been re-engineered for the main UI of the Console. This version will be used to run apps like Skype and other non-game titles downloaded from the Xbox storefront. A new virtualization technology similar to Microsoft’s Hyper-V will be used to allocate the bulk of system resources to a second, dedicated “Xbox OS” when the user loads up a game. The Final OS is a sort of mediator between the two operating systems.
The triple OS technology will allow the console to have layers on the screen, allowing users to Skype , play games and watch TV simultaneously. These visual “panes,” which are full 1080p layers generated independently and displayed one on top of the other.
Whats more coders will be able to convert their apps to work on this Windows variant opening up a whole new marketplace (one of the biggest) for the developers.