GPD Pocket : Portable Laptop Review

Not often do you get devices that give you simple joy of portability. While on one end of the spectrum Smartphones are getting bigger, the need for sleeker and more portable laptops is one that only ultra-light notebooks like the MacBook Air, HP Envy and Lenovo Yoga have been able to solve.
This new entrant in the space tackles the problem in a different respect all together, The GPD Pocket is one laptop that has received 3.5 million dollars in funding on Indiegogo and it hasn’t stopped there. The laptop is available for a price that is just shy of US $ 500 or approximately Rs. 31000 but offers a full Windows 10 experience.
Build Quality and Design
With no marks or logos on the actual hardware the GPD pocket’s sleek unibody magnesium design makes it good to look at. the boxier than your usual ultra light, and that is because it is not ultra or light. At almost 20mm thick and weighing it at 500 gm the GPD pocket will most likely not fit in your pocket.
The build is robust and extremely satisfying, unibody design, a strong hinge and copper radiator cooled internals.