iG UK: Hands on with Electric Car chargers in London

iGyaan is presently in the UK, testing of real life technology, and the first thing we bumped into as soon as we got out of the airport were these GE electric car charging posts. Its always good to talk about technology but only better to see it in real person in a country that embraces good technology infrastructure.
While its no GE WattStation , The mechanics of this one are simple, the person with a NFC tag or a Electric car tag will scan his tag in from to the charging post, which access you account and opens the door to the cable, the charging cable is then attached to the vehicle and the meter starts to run. At the end of the charge cycle the amount on the meter is charged to the NFC account or Electric car tag and you are ready to leave.
The good thing is that the UK government has installed these at various parking spaces in and around london making it easier for people with electric cars.