Amzer Announces Shatter Proof Screen Protector

Amzer today introduced the next level of device protection with the arrival of AMZER ShatterProof Screen Protector. It’s extreme grade protection makes the device shatter and shock proof. ShatterProof has a unique shock dissipative function which uses the physics concept of dissipation.
[quote]“With ShatterProof protection, Amzer has proven itself yet again – as the leader of the accessory market, a leader which believes in innovation – we have created a revolutionary product to provide foolproof protection without adding any bulk to the beautiful devices, all this at a very nominal price! When we say Amzer accessories are inspired by real life, we mean it – we proved it.” emphatically says Amzer CEO – Pinakin Dinesh.[/quote]
Check out the Press Release Below :
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Amzer announces the next level of device protection – AMZER ShatterProof Screen Protector