Exclusive Insider : HTC Hourglass Coming to India End November for 14,599/- + Extra for Add-ons

We have got some exclusive news for those hoping to get in on the HTC Rhyme action (launched earlier today in the US). We have got exclusive inside new that the device will launch in India as early as November 1st week and latest by end November – no confirmed dates yet.
But one thing we have heard since the past 5 hours is the price : we are hearing a 14,599 price at launch ( sounds brilliant for the device.) along with additional 499, 1899, and 2099 for the charm, bluetooth headset and desktop speaker respectively.
Thats more information than we expected at this stage anyway, This info also comes from a very reliable source who has snitched to us since the launch of the Desire HD last year.
Stay tuned for more!