Liquipel Announces 2.0 Watersafe Nanocoating For Waterproofing Devices

Making phones or tablet waterproof or water resistant is nothing new. Many manufacturers have been including this added feature into their devices for years. Most recently is Sony with the newly announced Xperia Z. At CES this year Liquipel came back with version 2.0 of their self-sealing nano coating that protects your device from water/liquids.
Liquipel is a dry process that once applied, essentially becomes a part of the device. It will last the lifespan of the device and is completely invisible, but the results are anything but. Liquipel’s booth demo is quite convincing, even without showing the water resistance on a phone itself.
Apparently this second generation is 100 times better than the first go-around, plus can survive about 3.3 feet underwater for 30 minutes.
Though Liquipel did not previously offer a warranty for treated electronics and some users had experienced issues with devices treated with original Liquipel formula not surviving liquid exposure, the company announced its Liquipel Performance Guarantee at CES. The new warranty, which currently covers only U.S. customers but should be extended to other countries in the future, offers protection from damage due to accidental liquid exposure on Liquipel-treated devices.
[quote]The coverage excludes intentional submerging of devices in liquid. However, everyday life events that can cause liquid damage will be covered, such as: rain, splashing, sweat, dropping in the sink or toilet and spilled drinks.[/quote]