Want Blackberry messenger on your iPhone or Android – RIM just might allow it!

Looks like Research in Motion, the big company behind Blackberry the device that has revolutionized the youth market of India and many developing countries, Along with the more serious corporations and business segment, realizes that the market for blackberry services can be expanded an that might just be very true. They are talking about offering BB services cross platform, in an attempt to monetize the iPhone and Android market in their favor.
BlackBerry is and will continue to be dominant in most corporations, [but] it’s not going to be the only device given the fact that consumers have the choice to bring in their own devices and IT departments are often letting them in. So there’s a question there. Do those corporations have to manage those devices differently or is there the possibility that RIM might extend capabilities to make it easier for those corporations to manage those devices as well? … If the right thing to do is to extend a subset of those [BlackBerry] capabilities to be able to manage other devices, it’s worthy of a conversation
While it still may be just talks for the time being, we wont be surprised if we see Mr Lazaridus with Steve at the iPhone Update this year, bbm on iPhone- whoopitiy woo.
Source : Engadget