Encrypt Calls and Messages on Your iPhone with the Signal App

Snooping by government agencies is one of the major concerns of people using technology today. Even the people in the highest echelons of power and security have been a victim of this act of unwarranted infringement of privacy. It has been reported recently that the analysts at NSA would frequently trade around personal images, mostly in compromising situations around their workplace. This kind of revelation encourages people to look for encryption services which can help keep their content absolutely safe. In comes SIGNAL for the rescue.
Signal is an iPhone app created by Open Whisper Systems. The nonprofit had previously brought encryption apps for Android called Redphone to secure phone conversations and TextSecure for encrypted messages. Now they bring their encryption might to iOS.
The app is fairly simple to install. You need to punch in a one-time activation code. Like other communication apps the app saves the contacts that have been entered once and shows the contacts which can be contacted using the app.
To ensure that the encryption has taken place and the communication is secure; both sides have a word on their screens. The users have to exchange this on screen word to verify the encryption. If the connection is not secure the words will not match.
The organization intends to provide encrypted communication medium to all. They will soon add text messaging capability to Signal thereby making a unified app for private conversation.
One of the major concern that is not being addressed is what if the app is misused by criminal and Anti social elements. We still remember how the London riots were fueled in through BBM messengers. So the company which is doing a good work for the citizens has to come out with a transparent document as to how they will prevent harm to the said citizens from themselves. Sometimes a good tool can become a monstrous weapon.
Overall this is a fantastic tool for folks who want to prevent eavesdroppers from dropping on their communication, may it be from governments or unscrupulous elements. Its potential for harm needs to be understood and addressed as soon as possible.