Disney Can Help Auto-Edit Holiday Videos Into a Movie

Remember that time you went on a trip with all your mates and got hours and hours of footage? Unfortunately, which is still lying untouched, stored in all your phones. How cool would it be if you could compile it into one awesome professionally cut movie, which you could then share with your friends and on social media. The only issue with that is finding an editor capable of editing the footage and he might charge a huge amount per hour bounty on the video. Well it seems like Disney may have an easier solution.
Engineers at Disney have created an algorithm through which a software would be able to auto edit your footage. Yes you may soon be able to save a lot of useful hard drive space by cutting off the footage into a video and getting rid of all the other thrash. The algorithm, if its beta videos are to be believed, is capable of delivering professional grade videos by using the set cinematography rules followed by professionals everywhere.
Disney’s algorithm scans the footage for lighting conditions, continuity angles, cinematography rules and more. It can sense what footage would look the best in the timeline. It can pick up on actions that will suit the video well. The users will have the options of selecting the length of the video and the algorithm will create it accordingly.
The engineers at Disney are so confident of their find, that they say their process can actually assist professional editors too. By trashing out unneeded footage the editor will have more control over the content and create better videos in less time. The algorithm based process still takes its own sweet time to give the final output but it’s still faster than the time an editor needs to scour through the entire footage to find the meaningful shots.
Though it may take some time to reach the users, it seems like once again technology is getting ready to take over a profession. Editors, beware!