Nokia Says Lumia Marketing was “Poor Judgement”

Nokia found itself in a mess after they unveiled their new flagship Windows Phone 8 Lumia 920 a couple weeks back. The reason being was from a video they approved that promoted the OIS (optical image stabilization) features in the 920. If you remember, the video showed a girl riding a bike and the pleasant moments were all captured on camera by a friend, who was led to believe to be using the 920. However, the reflection in a window proved otherwise and revealed that the video was actually shot with a DSLR, not “the latest innovation from PureView technology.”
In a written statement, a Nokia spokeswoman said the findings from the internal investigation “confirmed that poor judgment was exercised in the use of the [marketing] materials.” She added that Nokia has taken “appropriate action” as a result of the findings, but declined to elaborate on the steps it has taken.
Nokia has yet to detail when the phones will become available, where to buy them or what they will cost.