
Video Of The iPhone X Out In The Real World Surfaces Online

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Video Of The iPhone X Out In The Real World Surfaces Online

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The iPhone X was unveiled on September 12th to much fanfare. The marquee iPhone of 2017, the iPhone X will be launched on November 3rd in India will be priced at Rs 89000 for the 64GB variant. Although the launch is a month away, a video has surfaced online showing off the iPhone X in all its glory. The short clip doesn’t show off anything particularly notable likeĀ animojiĀ or the infamous FaceID fail but, it does give us a good look at the iPhoneX’s edge-to-edge screen.

You can watch the video here.

The phone appears to be on AT&T’s network and the Redditor who posted the video claims it was recorded in San Jose. If you don’t know much about the American geography, San Jose isn’t too far away from Apple’s HQ in Cupertino.

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In the video, you can see that the person holding the phone is rotating it in his hands showing off the front and back of the iPhone X. A shaking padlock appears to signal that FaceID is locking him out and someone else owns the device, most likely an Apple employee with early access to the iPhone X. Looks like FaceID is secure after all? A lot of commenters on the thread claim to have seen the iPhone X out and about in the Bay Area and it in’t surprising that someone finally caught one on video.

The iPhone X will go on sale on November 3rd in major countries including India and there are reports that the smartphone will be available in limited quantities up until 2018 due to manufacturing delays. Priced at Rs 89000 for the 64GB variant, the iPhone X is poised to be the most expensive iPhone in the Indian market when it launches.

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Vipul Vij
Always found in a Hooded Shell, Excited by technology, tortured by his eating habits. Handles content at iGyaan.