Apple Hires Contractors That Listen To Private Conversation Through Siri

Apple is a company that has always promised its customers industry-leading security. For the most part, it holds true. The company is one of the better-trusted consumer brands in the world, at least in terms of data privacy. However, a new report has surfaced which claims that the tech giant is regularly listening on private conversations by its hired contractors through Siri, its digital voice assistant.

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Initial reports had revealed that Apple was hiring contractors across the globe to listen to Siri recordings to improve the voice assistants capabilities. What came as a surprise was the fact that the company had failed to enlighten its users regarding this practice. Now, a fresh report suggests that there have been “countless instances” of recordings carrying sensitive information or private conversations. Furthermore, it has also been reported that some cases of illegal activities have also been caught in the recordings. Apple had initially promised users that anonymity is being maintained and no user info is accessible. However, a source claimed that the recordings also feature user data showing locations, contact details and app data.
Apple started the initiative of human interaction with Siri recordings to improve its interface and interactional capabilities. The company said that only a small portion of Siri requests are analysed and users’ Apple ID is not associated alongside the recordings. Addtionally, Apple claimed that all reviewers are under strict confidential guidelines and are undertaken at secured facilities. Although the contractors and audio reviewing isn’t a secret, its privacy terms do not inform users of the practice.
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People conscious about their privacy and afraid of the accidental triggering of Siri can turn off the “Hey Siri” feature. The new accusation marks the increasing frequency with which even the most trusted brands are being doubted. In a modern interconnected world, data privacy is now increasingly more important. Apple has yet to respond to the latest reports but a statement is expected to arrive soon.